Name: England #24040
Maker: Madame Alexander
Size: 8”
Medium: Hard Plastic
Date: 1997
Description: The Queen's Body Guard, known as the
Yeomen of the Guard, are a bodyguard of the British Monarch. There
are 73 Yeomen of the Guard, all of whom are former officers and sergeants
of the British Services. It is the oldest of the Royal bodyguards
and the oldest military corps in existence in Britain. Yeomen of the
Guards are also often called Beefeaters.
The Yeomen of the Guard have a purely ceremonial role. They accompany
the Sovereign at the annual Royal Maundy Service, investitures and
summer Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace, and so on. Their most
famous duty is to 'ceremonially' search the cellars of the Palace
of Westminster prior to the State Opening of Parliament, a tradition
that dates back to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Guy Fawkes attempted
to blow up Parliament.
Chosen to represent England in Madame Alexander's International Collection
in 1997. Quite adorable. A perfect addition to a Coronation set.
body: Alexander
clothing: England
Condition: MIB old style blue box
Shipping: $25